I recently read and highly recommend The Martian by Andy Weir. I cannot remember the last time I read a book with so much anticipation for how it was going to end.
I have not read a lot of books in the past few years. Possibly not the best way to follow that short review. I read more than enough online content but I have recently returned to more regimented reading before bed. Books usually sit on my bedside table for many months. Especially non-fiction that I really wanted to read when I was buying it or asked for it but then I seem to forget about. I often instead chose to read RSS feeds on my iPad, battle my Instapaper backlog, or during a bad phase: watch Netflix with headphones in bed.
Reading Sci-Fi has made me actually want to read again, instead of being something I try to make myself do, to wind down from staring at a screen all day, or to stop my mind from wandering and thinking too much about the work not done. It may be partly motivated by a longing for another great Sci-Fi TV show to watch, which I seem to be lacking, or it is just something I've not explored beyond a few popular books.
I also recently started and finished The Wool Trilogy but I'll leave that for another day.